4 Things Stopping You From Starting an Online Biz (and Why You Shouldn’t Let Them)

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When it comes to starting your own online business it can seem like every man & his cat will have an opinion on it…

And here’s the thing… it’s always good to listen to other people’s opinions & learn from their experiences…

But you do stand a chance of not even attempting to follow your dreams when you’re listening to people who don’t really know what they’re talking about.

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Get Advice That Will Actually Help You

Sure, these people may fully believe in & stand by their opinion & that’s totally cool…

We’re all welcome to have our opinions!


As the very awesome & inspiring Dan Lok says….

If you want to know how to become rich then don’t take advice from poor people

and the same goes for starting a blog or online business too…

If you want to know the truth about blogging then you really need to be soaking up all the advice, tips & insider knowledge from someone who’s doing it, and doing it well.

So with that in mind…

I’ve decided to reveal the 4 biggest opinions on starting an online business that I hear over and over again from people who have never even tried blogging before or people who have done it wrong (because they followed the wrong advice) & failed!

Unfortunately, their opinions are often wrong…

Although they are often well-intentioned!

But it’s a real shame if you’ve been put off from following your dreams of starting a blog or online business because of incorrect & misguided opinions.

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Because if I know one thing… it’s that blogging and starting your online business should be fun & exciting!

Sure it’s not all a nice breezy walk in the park…

But overall, starting your online biz can & should be the best thing you ever do!

So let’s dive in…


#1 You’re not good enough to start an online business

This is one that you’ve probably heard from others & one that you may even tell yourself over & over again… how do I know? 

Because we all do it…

In fact, it’s totally normal to feel like this!

Even the uber-successful bloggers & business owners among us still have times when they feel that they’re not good enough.

Overcome this opinion…

Every time this thought pops up in your head, think about someone really successful who you admire & remind yourself that they’re just a person like you & I…

They have no special abilities, superpowers or secret sauce that you aren’t capable of…

So if they can do it, then so can you, right?

#2 You need at least 5k followers before you even think about starting a website

I hear this one so often & I almost find it funny…

When I started my first blog, I didn’t even have a personal facebook account, let alone 5k strangers following me…

At the beginning of your blogging journey, are you even going to really know how to grow a large following like that? 

I started my blog when my follower count was a huge fat 0 and was able to build up my blog & make it successful too… in fact, that’s how the majority of successful bloggers started out.

Overcome this opinion…

The truth is, you need to provide people with value (your blog content) BEFORE they follow you.

After all, most people will only follow you because of what you can do for them…

So as long as you show up & provide your readers with content that helps them, your follower count will grow organically.

#3 You need to be tech-savvy to start a business online

If we were currently in 1996 then yes! You would absolutely need to know how to build a website from the ground up & be able to code like a boss…

But hey, thanks to the awesome techy peeps among us, we now have platforms like WordPress at our fingertips that have made blogging and building an online business highly accessible & easy even to people who possess even just basic tech skills… like me?

Overcome this opinion…

If you can turn on a laptop, use social media and can type on a keyboard, then you can definitely launch an online business & learn new tech skills as you go… You’ve just got to take things step-by-step…

In fact, it’s so awesome to learn new things right? 

#4 Online businesses like blogging are saturated markets so unless you’ve got a unique angle or something distinctive that makes you stand out then you might as well not even start…

Ok, there is some truth to this myth… you do need a unique selling point!

But here’s the thing: YOU are your unique selling point! 

There is not one other person on the earth who will be able to write like you, show up with your unique & awesome personality or make people feel the way you make them feel.

Overcome this opinion…

Think about the bloggers you currently follow…

What is it that draws you to those particular people over other bloggers who cover the same topics?

Chances are, there’s something about that particular person that you can relate to & it doesn’t matter to you that others are covering the same topics… because you want to hear it from this person!

Their USP is themselves…

So remember to just be yourself & let your unique personality shine through everything you do…

You’ll soon find that people love hearing from you & what you have to say… even if someone else is saying the same thing!

♥ Before You Go…

So how many of these have you heard before?

Did you believe them & allow them to stop you moving forward towards your dreams of starting your online business?

Do you feel like you can move forward now you know the truth?

Let me know in the comments below?